Well Made Sandals
I like to wear sandals when I work in the garage, so I can easily kick them off when I come back inside my house. I design and build cabinets (woodworking hobby); and my wife doesn't want tracked-in dust and wood chips. Since I'm on my feet all the time, I find the sandals very comfortable; and the non-slip soles are perfect on the cement floor when I occasionally spill liquids. My only regret is I didn't order a size smaller. I have relatively small feet for my 6'1" frame. I normally wear 9 1/2 shoe. Since there were no half sizes, I thought I had better get a 10. Unfortunately, I find they fit too loosely around the top of the arch when using to walk any distance, and there is no way to adjust them. That said, I didn't want to wait for an exchange because summer came early here in Northern California; and keeping my feet cool is paramount at this time of year when I'm on my feet for hours at a time.